Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day Twenty Two- Buffy-tastic

I missed Buffy-mania the first time around and I've been watching the series as part of the ongoing work for IDW. Tonight I finally finished Season 4 which I think started strong and fizzled a bit in the end. The highlight of the season is of course Spike. He should have gotten his own show.

I'm doing a webcomic creators weekend for a local comic shop with Scott Kurtz and a few others in December and I was encouraged to bring merchandise to sell. So far, SideChicks essentially exists as a series of zeroes and ones. Think I'm going to make T-shirts. After two years, seems like a good idea. Saw some of Thom's art for the shirts and that man is a genius.

Saw a rough cut of the music video I worked on and it looks amazing. Looking forward to the Premier Party next month.

1 comic page--> 500 words.

Daily total 500 words. Running total 23,645 words.


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